Akamai | MongoDB | Vonage | Zendesk | IT Data Consulting and Service Provider - Jinmu Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Product Technology

Specialized Products


MongoDB is a document-based, distributed database built for modern application developers and the cloud era.

  • MongoDB Cloud: MongoDB Atlas is a fully managed data platform developed by MongoDB engineers, handling all complex deployments and management.
  • MongoDB On-Premises: Offers real-time monitoring, backup, and recovery features, supporting business intelligence connectors and chart visualization tools.


Akamai provides fast, intelligent, and secure edge experiences, helping users stay protected from attacks and threats.

  • Web and Mobile Performance: Optimizes website and mobile app performance, ensuring fast loading and high availability.
  • Media Delivery: Efficiently delivers HD and 4K videos, providing a smooth media playback experience.
  • Security: Provides DDoS protection, application firewalls, and enterprise security solutions to safeguard user data and privacy.

Proprietary Products

Whaleal Platform

Whaleal is a PaaS platform developed based on customer needs and Jinmu Information's years of MongoDB service experience, offering one-click deployment and operation auditing features.

  • One-Click Deployment: Offers quick and convenient MongoDB deployment solutions suitable for businesses of all sizes.
  • Operation Auditing: Monitors and records database operations in real-time, ensuring data security and compliance.
  • Multi-Tenancy Support: Supports multi-tenant architecture, allowing enterprises to manage multiple database instances on a single platform.
  • Automated Operations and Maintenance: Provides comprehensive automated O&M tools to simplify database management and maintenance tasks.
  • Data Backup: Supports data backup and recovery across multi-cluster architectures.


JMC supports both domestic and international SMS services, integrating Vonage's global cloud communication channels to provide fast and stable SMS verification and worldwide messaging services.

  • JMC Advantages:
    • One-Stop Business Processing: Supports sending and querying marketing SMS domestically and internationally.
    • AI Intelligent Scheduling: Dynamically analyzes sending status to improve delivery rates.
    • Compliance Operation: Adheres to communication policies of various countries, ensuring stable business operations.

Whaleal Data

The real-time migration platform is an intelligent integrated platform for data migration, archiving, and remediation, automating the migration of relational and non-relational databases to MongoDB as needed. Supports various data sources such as MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, DB2, MongoDB, and Hive.

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Monitors migration progress at the table data block level, clearly displaying completion status.
  • Multi-Level Distributed Expansion: Supports custom table job orchestration and task chaining, parallelism, multi-task splitting, and integration.
  • Disaster Recovery: Rolls back data in the event of database or platform anomalies to ensure data integrity.
  • Data Integration: Supports migrating data from multiple data sources to MongoDB, stored as folder tasks.

Document Data Transfer

DDT is a next-generation MongoDB database synchronization tool that provides efficient data verification and various data synchronization solutions.

  • Efficient Data Verification: Uses advanced algorithms and technologies for fast and accurate data verification, ensuring data consistency.
  • Multiple Synchronization Solutions: Supports various data synchronization modes to meet different business needs, including real-time synchronization, full synchronization, and incremental synchronization.
  • Automatic Fault Recovery: Automatically recovers in case of failures during synchronization, ensuring continuous and stable data transfer.
  • Flexible Configuration: Offers flexible configuration options, allowing users to adjust synchronization strategies and parameters according to actual needs.

Partner Products

  • Zendesk: A global SaaS customer service system supporting multi-channel customer service access, including Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp.
  • Linode: Provides simple, affordable, and accessible Linux cloud solutions, supporting computing, storage, database, and networking services.
  • Splunk: Offers security analytics and operational intelligence, helping users gain valuable operational insights through monitoring and analyzing machine-generated data.
  • Vonage: Provides unified communication solutions, simplifying business communication and enhancing product impact.

About Jinmu

Jinmu Information is a professional IT data consulting and service provider, dedicated to offering high-quality information products, consulting, and services to users. We are a core partner of MongoDB in North Asia and also a key partner of Akamai, Zendesk, Vonage, and Splunk.

Our Advantages

Reliable Products

As a core partner of Akamai, MongoDB, Zendesk, Vonage, and Splunk, we provide customers with professional technical services, consulting, and application development, ensuring high product reliability.

Empowered Teams

We have a professional technical team capable of providing comprehensive technical services, consulting, and application development, aiding enterprises in their digital transformation.

Standard Compliance

Since 2020, we have developed our own products and conducted external technical training, strictly adhering to industry standards and regulations.

Comprehensive Support

Combining management philosophy, business models, and IT technology, we provide customers with comprehensive IT consulting and services, ensuring complete and timely support.

Leading Industry Clients

Jinmu Information serves over 80 leading clients in the financial, insurance, securities, gaming, and e-commerce industries, spanning the globe.

Our Services

IT Consulting and Services

We offer comprehensive IT consulting and services, including management consulting, technical consulting, IT strategic planning, and IT system integration, helping clients optimize their IT architecture and enhance business efficiency.

Data Solutions

From data management and analysis to data security, we provide comprehensive data solutions to help enterprises effectively utilize data and drive business growth.

Cloud Computing Services

Leveraging advanced cloud computing technology, we offer efficient, secure, and flexible cloud computing solutions to help enterprises achieve rapid cloud transformation.

Contact Us

Consultation Email: support@jinmuinfo.com

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