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Configure SMTP

Configure SMTP to send emails, which is used to send warning information of the WAP platform. Only after the server is configured can the warning emails be sent to users. The following describes how to configure SMTP in the environment

View SMTP Configuration

  1. Click on the left side of the setting
  2. Click SMTP


Parameters Description
SMTP Server Address SMTP mail server address
User Name username
Password email Password
Port The port number
Email From Sender's Email
Email Title mail title
SSL Use SSL (encryption)
Encode: Character encoding settings

Example Modify SMTP steps

  1. Click Edit to edit the configuration


  2. Configuring SMTP Parameters

    Parameters Description
    SMTP Server Address -Replace with your SMTP server address.
    User Name wap - Replace with your username.
    Password password - Replace with your email password.
    Port 465 - Replace with your SMTP port number.
    Email From - Replace with your sender's email address.
    Email Title alert - Replace with the title of your message.
    SSL Enable - Use SSL, the default is Enable.
    Encode UTF-8- Character encoding type, the default is UTF-8.
  3. Click Seve