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Mirrored MongoDB data through DDT

When MongoDB needed data recovery due to some problems, there was a problem with the WAP platform and we couldn't recover through the platform. We can use the following methods to recover the data through human intervention.

  1. Build a new MongoDB

  2. Download backup data on 47019

    mongodump --host <host>:47019 -u <user> -p <password>--authenticationDatabase <authdb>
  3. Restore downloaded backup data to a new cluster

    mongorestore --host <host>:<port> -u <user> -p ****** --authenticationDatabase <authdb> dump
  4. Download incremental Oplog from 57019

    Find the corresponding incremental backup Oplog in the 57109 cluster through the cluster ID

    mongodump --host <host>:57019 -d wap -c oplog669cf3fd3d4d3b380bf5206a -u <user> -p <password> --authenticationDatabase <authdb>
  5. Specify the timestamp, re-apply Oplog, and restore the data to the specified point in time.

    mkdir empty
    mongorestore --host <host>:<port> -u <user> --authenticationDatabase <authdb> \
    --oplogReplay \
    --oplogFile dump/local/ \
    --oplogLimit ******** \