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The bacckup function of the WAP platform is implemented based on two methods: dump and DDT. mongodump is a tools provided by MongoDB, and DDT is a all data sync, all and realTime, all and increment backup tool implemented by MongoDB Oplog. Provide users with all-round backup functions.

Backup architecture diagram





Start A Backup

  1. Find the Backup option in the menu bar, click Backup in the drop-down menu to enter the Backup page.
  2. Click Create Repository to start cluster backup.

Configure backup parameters

Parameters Description
Name Name of the backup policy.
Type Backup type, optional values:
ddt: Backup through backup program
dump: Backup through the MongoDB tool mongodump.
MongoDB Cluster MongoDB cluster to be backed up.
DDT Host The host for deploy DDT, which must be in the DDT Project.
MongoDB Host The host deploy MongoDB for used to store backup data.
Storage Location Method of uploading backup S3 files (supports AWS S3 and Linode Object Storage).
Task Snapshots Every Frequency of backing up data (1 to 30 days).
Keep S3 File Days Number of days to keep the snapshot files in S3.
Recover Data From Days Number of days to retain oplog incremental data (used for data recovery to a specific
point in time), this number should be less than the snapshot file retention days.
Secondary Preferred Whether to prioritize backing up data from Secondary.
Init Time The time to start backing up data for the first time (i.e. start the 47019 and 57019MongoDB services and start copying all data).
Trigger Time Set the time to trigger the snapshot, in hours, UTC timezone.
Cache Size Of 47019 Cache size setting for full MongoDB service.
Cache Size Of 57019 Cache size setting for incremental MongoDB service.
DDT Of Oplog JVM memory setting for incremental DDT backup Java service.
DDT Of Full JVM memory setting for full DDT backup Java service.
DDT Of Replay Oplog JVM memory setting for data recovery DDT Java service.
dump_restore_work_num Number of collections dump & restore should export in parallel
restore_drop_collection Before restoring the collections from the dumped backup, drops the collections from the target database, optional values: 0, 1.

View Backup Tasks


Parameters Description
Event Log View all log records throughout the life cycle of a backup task.
Full MongoDB Cluster MongoDB for full backup data storage.
Oplog MongoDB Cluster MongoDB for incremental Oplog backup data storage.
DDT Host Name Server on which DDT is deployed.
DDT MongoDB Name Server where full backup data and incremental Oplog backup data are deployed.
Advance Configuration Configuration of maximum usage limit of backup resources.
Task Log View the logs of each backup program in the backup task.