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Example Deployment

Below is a description of deploying Whaleal and MongoDB in different environments.

Test Install on a Single Host

For a test deployment, you can deploy all the WAP components to a single host, as described in Install a Simple Test WAP Installation.

If you would like to test backup services, use the WAP Application to configure them. When configuring WAP, you can specify the backup settings.

Production Installs

Redundant Metadata and Snapshots

This deployment provides redundancy for the WAP Application Database and Snapshot Storage in the event of host failure. The deployment runs the database in a MongoDB replica set with three data-bearing members with copies of the data.

This deployment provides high availability for the WAP Application. WAP uses a w:majority write concern, and can tolerate the loss of one data-bearing node from the WAP Application Database. To make the deployment more durable, enable journaling.

All hosts must satisfy the combined hardware and software requirements for systems specified in the System Requirements column.

For an example tutorial on installing the minimally viable Whaleal installation, see QuickStart.