Full Data Transfer
1. Start Preparation
use photon
Create ten tables. Each table has no indexes other than _id.
Insert approximately 50 million records into each table.
2. Source-side Data Insertion
Single record:
"_id": ObjectId("61bad4f68a27d20b123ed7e8"),
"BsonTimestamp1": Timestamp(1639634166, 78),
"String": "str",
"Doc": {
"1": 1
"javaInt": 71916,
"bytes": BinData(0, "AQ=="),
"Array": [],
"Binary data": BinData(0, "AQID"),
"ObjectId": ObjectId("61bad4f68a27d20b123ed7e6"),
"Boolean": false,
"Date": ISODate("2021-12-16T05:56:06.688Z"),
"Null": null,
"Regular Expression": /lhp.*/,
"DBPointer": DBPointer("1", ObjectId("61bad4f68a27d20b123ed7e7")),
"Undefined": undefined,
"JavaScript": {
"code": "var i=0"
"Symbol": "var i=0",
"BsonStr": "var i=0",
"BsonJavaScriptWithScope": {
"code": "var i=0",
"scope": {}
"32integer": 12,
"Timestamp": ISODate("2021-12-16T05:56:06.688Z"),
"64int": NumberLong(123),
"Min key": { "$minKey": 1 },
"Max key": { "$maxKey": 1 },
"BsonTimestamp": Timestamp(1639634166, 457)
3. Source-side Data Volume Calculation
show dbs;
Disk usage on source: photon 35.885GB
"db": "photon",
"collections": 10,
"views": 0,
"objects": 474281344, // Estimated total number of records
"avgObjSize": 132.06465577958498, // Average size per record in bytes
"dataSize": 57890360946,
"storageSize": 14807171072,
"freeStorageSize": 4571136,
"indexes": 20,
"indexSize": 23723704320,
"indexFreeStorageSize": 14454784,
"totalSize": 38530875392,
"totalFreeStorageSize": 19025920,
"scaleFactor": 1,
"fsUsedSize": 587772825600,
"fsTotalSize": 11939478503424,
"ok": 1,
"$clusterTime": {
"clusterTime": Timestamp(1640065750, 1),
"signature": {
"hash": BinData(0, "v3ySiE7Zub+VPOJpQ/K3IaCJBxM="),
"keyId": NumberLong("7025843880893349893")
"operationTime": Timestamp(1640065750, 1)
4. Start DDT
Refer to QuickStart
Test environment using the following parameters:
# DDT.properties Configuration File
# Task name. If not specified, defaults to workNameDefault.
workName = mongoTask
# Source-side MongoDB URL, required. Can be a URL for a single node, replica set, or sharded cluster.
sourceDsUrl = mongodb://
# sourceDsUrl = mongodb://
# Target-side MongoDB URL, required. Can be a URL for a single node, replica set, or sharded cluster.
targetDsUrl = mongodb://
# Synchronization mode, default is all.
# all: Full data transfer, synchronizes tables while ignoring operations on the source during synchronization.
syncMode = all
# During full data transfer, choose between sync or reactive.
# sync: Stable data transfer.
# reactive: Faster data transfer.
fullType = reactive
# Tables to be synchronized, using regular expressions. Default is to synchronize all tables: .+
dbTableWhite = .+
# Number of threads for reading source data during full data transfer, minimum is 2, maximum is 100. Default is system-calculated value.
sourceThreadNum = 10
# Number of threads for writing data to the target during full data transfer, minimum is 4, maximum is 100. Default is system-calculated value. It's recommended that targetThreadNum is three times sourceThreadNum.
targetThreadNum = 20
# Number of threads for concurrent index creation during full data transfer, minimum is 1, maximum is 100. Default is system-calculated value.
createIndexThreadNum = 15
# The following three parameters, bucketSize, bucketNum, and batchSize, collectively determine the number of data records cached in memory during full data transfer. Be cautious about potential memory overflow.
# Default batchSize is 128.
batchSize = 128
# Default bucketNum is 20.
bucketNum = 20
# Default bucketSize is 20.
bucketSize = 20
# Maximum time allowed for each DDL operation during synchronization, in seconds.
ddlWait = 1200
# During full data transfer:
# Before data transmission, pre-process: synchronize DDL information in the cluster.
# 0: Whether to delete existing tables on the target.
# 1: Print all user information in the cluster.
# 2: Synchronize table structure.
# 3: Synchronize table index information.
# 4: Enable sharding for all databases.
# 5: Synchronize shard key for tables.
# 6: Synchronize config.setting table.
# 7: Pre-split chunk for tables.
# Combine numbers using commas. For example: 1,2,3,4,5,6.
clusterInfoSet = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
# When monitor is enabled, configure the IP address of the local machine.
bind_ip =
1. Start DDT
Refer to QuickStart
Test environment using the following parameters:
# DDT.properties Configuration File
# Task name. If not specified, defaults to workNameDefault.
workName = mongoTask
# Source-side MongoDB URL, required. Can be a URL for a single node, replica set, or sharded cluster.
sourceDsUrl = mongodb://
# sourceDsUrl = mongodb://
# Target-side MongoDB URL, required. Can be a URL for a single node, replica set, or sharded cluster.
targetDsUrl = mongodb://
# Synchronization mode, default is all.
# realTime: Real-time synchronization. startOplogTime and endOplogTime can be configured.
syncMode = realTime
# Choose between oplog and changestream for real-time or incremental tasks.
# Choose oplog for advantages such as faster synchronization speed when the source is a replica set and support for DDL operations.
# Choose changestream for sources that are replica sets or mongos, but it doesn't support DDL operations and is generally slower.
realTimeType = changestream
# Tables to be synchronized, using regular expressions. Default is to synchronize all tables: .+
dbTableWhite = .+
# In real-time synchronization, you can specify which DDL operations to synchronize: drop, create, createIndexes, dropIndexes, renameCollection, convertToCapped, dropDatabase, modify, shardCollection.
# Default is *, which means all DDL operations are synchronized.
ddlFilterSet = *
# The following three parameters, bucketSize, bucketNum, and batchSize, collectively determine the number of data records cached in memory during real-time synchronization. Be cautious about potential memory overflow.
# Default batchSize is 128.
batchSize = 128
# Default bucketNum is 20.
bucketNum = 20
# Default bucketSize is 20.
bucketSize = 20
# When using real-time synchronization, set the start time to read oplog. Default is the 10-digit timestamp when the program starts.
startOplogTime = 1692843646
# When using real-time synchronization, set the end time to read oplog. Default is 0, meaning no end time. Use a 10-digit timestamp if needed.
endOplogTime = 1692847246
# When using real-time synchronization, set the delay time for reading oplog. Default is 0, meaning no delay time.
delayTime = 0
# Number of threads for parsing namespaces (buckets) during real-time synchronization. Minimum is 8, maximum is 100. Default is system-calculated value.
nsBucketThreadNum = 15
# Number of threads for writing data during real-time synchronization. Minimum is 8, maximum is 100. Default is system-calculated value.
writeThreadNum = 15
# Maximum time allowed for each DDL operation during synchronization, in seconds.
ddlWait = 1200
# When monitor is enabled, configure the IP address of the local machine.
bind_ip =
2. Source-side Data Insertion
Use the source-side script for CRUD operations.
The script performs CRUD operations on 10 tables.
Single insert data model:
"_id": ObjectId("61bad4f68a27d20b123ed7e8"),
"BsonTimestamp1": Timestamp(1639634166, 78),
"String": "str",
"Doc": {
"1": 1
"javaInt": 71916,
"bytes": BinData(0, "AQ=="),
"Array": [],
"Binary data": BinData(0, "AQID"),
"ObjectId": ObjectId("61bad4f68a27d20b123ed7e6"),
"Boolean": false,
"Date": ISODate("2021-12-16T05:56:06.688Z"),
"Null": null,
"Regular Expression": /lhp.*/,
"DBPointer": DBPointer("1", ObjectId("61bad4f68a27d20b123ed7e7")),
"Undefined": undefined,
"JavaScript": {
"code": "var i=0"
"Symbol": "var i=0",
"BsonStr": "var i=0",
"BsonJavaScriptWithScope": {
"code": "var i=0",
"scope": {}
"32integer": 12,
"Timestamp": ISODate("2021-12-16T05:56:06.688Z"),
"64int": NumberLong(123),
"Min key": { "$minKey": 1 },
"Max key": { "$maxKey": 1 },
"BsonTimestamp": Timestamp(1639634166, 457)
Source-side CRUD concurrency is 100,000/s.
3. Conclusion
During real-time synchronization, the source-side CRUD concurrency is 100,000/s.
The target-side executes an average of 58,000 data records per second.
When the data volume of source-side CRUD operations is large, it may cause DDT to be unable to synchronize the source oplog in a timely manner. Observe the 'Reading oplog delay xxxs' data and avoid missing the sliding window time for reading oplog.